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Where Did Everyone Go?

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Where Did Everyone Go?

Postby DrCreek » October 12th, 2021, 12:09 pm

I'm the one to talk. Cant apologize enough for not posting any salt reports, commenting on the reports of others, or otherwise just staying in touch with everyone.

The Covid thing certainly has caused its share of problems for all of us. Another year of not driving up to the Sierras has me shaking my head at time missed. Connie is still looking for a decent job after her entire organization was pink-slipped back in Aug of 2020. But I got really lucky.. Emergency Services - that's the sound advice I was given years ago. People are always going to get sick and get hurt or worse, and people are always going to need help. And my brother-in-law was right. So many people being laid off in other areas. Grateful that I've been so fortunate to keep mine.

I'm at that point where I'm starting to feel old. By that I mean, things like feeling cold to the bone. It happens to alot of us when we start losing body fat and muscle. We're starting to break down a little. And I'm going down that road now. If I fish the bays here, I have to stay in sweatpants and a fleece jacket most of the day just to stay warm enough to get around the place. Its awful. Which brings me back around to you guys.. I suppose I'm just hoping that all of you have remained in good shape throughout. I miss the days of our meets at both the Angeles area and East side waters. I've been just dying to participate in and create a report about ETC or one of the many other great hidden gems up north. Looks like it will have to wait until 2022 - unless the trout are forced to mask and distance from us.

I can tell you that my bay float tube fly fishing has slowed somewhat; just sometimes too tired to go on my days off. I think I've made it out no more that a few dozen times total this year. No session has been necessarily any good in numbers. Alot of dinks, too. The days of dragging in 16" Spotties two at a time with Mtnguru (Chris) have disappeared. I haven't seen anything over maybe 13" this season - and certainly few doubles. Calicos seem to be my most caught species in the last couple of months - all small - nothing over say 7" at most (if anyone needs directions for the Calico nursery, I'm happy to forward it on to you). Still fun, but not the same as the occasional hefty Spottie, Yellowfin Croaker, sub-legal Hali or Corvina. Haven't caught anything unusual in 2021 - except for an old beach towel that had been laying in near 18' of water for I dont know how long. Never smelled anything so rotten as that towel when it finally pierced the surface.

Back to topic, I hope you all are well. Maybe some day we will be allowed to get past all of this mess and meet up like we used to. Keeping fingers and toes crossed to do exactly that. I think I've forgotten how to throw a 0wt. Take care and looking forward to a better, more in-person season next year. Mike
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Where Did Everyone Go?

Postby Rasputinj » October 12th, 2021, 10:19 pm

Thanks for posting. I have a few trip reports over the last 12 months I need to post. I was skunked fishing for carp last time I went out with Dray.

I head to Mammoth area on Sunday to try the normal spots. I have been trying to call Ken’s In Bridgeport to try to book the ranch for a day, no one has answered the phone in a week.

Just booked a trip next June for Steamboat, might try to fish North Platte in Wyoming on a ranch and maybe try to float the Yampa.

Need to get back out and try surf fly fishing again.

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Re: Where Did Everyone Go?

Postby NorcalBob » October 13th, 2021, 7:32 am

Pretty slow here nowadays, good DR. I still post my epics, but with COVID, not many epics to post about. Hopefully in the near future activity will rise here. This is the only place I'm posting much to, these days.
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Re: Where Did Everyone Go?

Postby lucfish » October 13th, 2021, 8:29 am

I’m going to put a little report in the warm water section.
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Re: Where Did Everyone Go?

Postby Papasequoia » October 13th, 2021, 11:13 am

Doing lots of hikes, but haven't been able to get out fishing since moving up to the PNW in July. Not a lot of trout fishing nearby, but salmon fishing seems to be picking up, so maybe soon.
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Re: Where Did Everyone Go?

Postby John Harper » October 14th, 2021, 11:26 am


Great to hear from you, I miss our little creek in east county!!! I try to walk at least 5 miles/day but have been working full time running the auto shop program at one of our local high schools. I'm hoping they find a full time permanent hire soon as it's been a lot more work than I expected, the shop was left a complete mess by the previous teacher.

Next fishing adventure for me is a return to Mike's Sky Rancho down in Baja in late March or early April to see how the trout fared the last couple of years during the Covid pandemic.

Planning another short trip to the CWL area in June, then on to Wyoming once again. I've found some amazing areas to fish up there, just amazing. And the scenery is just spectacular.

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Re: Where Did Everyone Go?

Postby huntingtheriverking » October 14th, 2021, 1:16 pm

Hopefully will be posting more of local trout trips as weather cools down and streams get more water...been slow!
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Where Did Everyone Go?

Postby Rasputinj » October 14th, 2021, 1:31 pm

huntingtheriverking wrote:Hopefully will be posting more of local trout trips as weather cools down and streams get more water...been slow!

I am hoping for a wet winter a couple of the local creeks we hit can’t be flowing now.

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Re: Where Did Everyone Go?

Postby DrCreek » October 14th, 2021, 8:02 pm

Great to hear from you guys. I guess things have really been upended for alot of us. Just praying that we can all get together this next season - even if only for a quick trip.
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Re: Where Did Everyone Go?

Postby Baughb » October 15th, 2021, 4:24 am

Not that I know any of you in person but, I find I post so much less on a variety of places due to not wanting to overexpose already exposed places, get heat for even being out and enjoying my life, or being bombarded with stupid questions from others.
My fishing friends and I have all been healthy and have fished a lot in the last seasons. We have always strived to isolate and be self-contained on any outing. That said, Thank you Jimbo and those that do post such lovely trip reports.
I hope you and your friends choose to get together again soon.
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Re: Where Did Everyone Go?

Postby Ants » October 15th, 2021, 6:31 pm

Locally, the fishing has been worse than inspiring! To make things less appealing, the forests have been closed and smoke from fires makes breathing outdoors unpleasant.

In the last week or so, I hit the backyard river and came up with 5 species of fish ( no trout). The river above Riverkern was closed due to fire evacuations, but I got put a couple of days ago. It was a splendid fall fishing day, with even a couple of trout for side entertainment.

As for the PNW, my limited exposure to fishing there showed that the spawning schedules are key, but far from simple to understand. For example, in British Columbia, the spawning salmon had not started moving to a spot 30 miles upriver, while in central Washington, the salmon had almost reached the Canadian border. Baffling - for sure. But a suggestion for papasequoia, in Olympic National Park, those beautiful streams were empty of fish in early June, but the lakes fished well. Near the Haig-Brown homestead ( and B & B), the spawning rivers had only dinks, but the upstream area near the fish hatchery has resident trout. Overall, I found more empty spawning water than resident fish. It was a great place to travel, however!

Yup, I am looking forward to more favorable conditions. The lake is low ( concentrated fish?) and finally the smoke is cleared.

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Re: Where Did Everyone Go?

Postby Bernard » October 20th, 2021, 9:31 am

I am remiss to post about numerous interesting Sierra trips as well as my second this year to Baja. Will probably post links to my blog. Tough year. Lots of Covid incidents. I had a breakthrough case and my wife's family has had a few deaths.
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Re: Where Did Everyone Go?

Postby FIGHTONSC » October 21st, 2021, 8:29 am

Midger and I are still here in Kansas.

We fished the Big O probably six or seven times this summer and early fall. The smoke from the California and Oregon fires was thick and combined with hot temps made breathing conditions less than ideal throughout most of the Pacific Northwest and into Montana and Wyoming.
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The Big O always kicks out a fair share of 18-26 inch trout each trip, but we did notice/catch a lot of smaller trout this year in the 10-16 inch range, which is not normal for that fishery. If these smaller trout make it through the winter, next year should be quite productive.
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Fall is now here and I’m out hunting again. This week it was ducks and geese on Saturday morning.
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View at sunrise from my duck blind along the river.
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That’s the update from Kansas.


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Re: Where Did Everyone Go?

Postby DarkShadow » October 25th, 2021, 7:49 pm


I have a confession to make.

I've fished about....225 times this year. No lie.

Now, the vast majority of times out have been at the local pond that's 5 minutes away from my house, but this 'work from home' life allows me to spend a lot of time on the water elsewhere.

Now, the fly gear has been sporadically used. The last real time I broke it out was in Montana in May, but I've manged 2 trips to the east side in the past 30 days, that I'm still trying to get reports for.

I'll get a long report up of the past few. Not many fish pictures, but plenty of imagery.
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Re: Where Did Everyone Go?

Postby 1mocast » October 29th, 2021, 7:22 pm

HI Doc!
I hope you are doing well. These last 2 years I wish we had a "Do over". It has been tough with the drought, fires, and even the Angeles NF closed.

I really cherish the great times we all had on the waters together from the 9 Man'ers and Volcano parties. I thank you, Richard, and Chris for sharing your home waters.

For me, it has been tough due to the life sucking corporate world just taking all my time the last 4 years. It is so sad since I have not bought a CA fishing license this year. :sad: :sad: :sad:

Hopefully, the wife and I will retire in a couple of years and have fun times again to wet the lines with you addicts!

Take care everyone and stay healthy!
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