REALTIME FLOWS    U. Kern: n/a cfs    L. Kern: 1341 cfs    E.W: 312 cfs    U. Owens: 108 cfs    L. Owens: 496 cfs   09/02/19 1:15 PM PST

Local Report - In the name of academic curiosity

For topics that don't seem to have a home elsewhere.

Re: Local Report - In the name of academic curiosity

Postby Bernard » January 20th, 2023, 9:55 am


Well, LMBs, Carp, Green Sunfish all sneak way up that drainage. One key thing to consider, and it's part of the challenge, is simply that these fish travel around a LOT. I have found them at the lake and other times nowhere except miles upstream. It's always work even when it is good. Temps and flows are a huge factor. Oh and it is very possible that some of the fish you and your father experienced were stockers. They do migrate. That said, they have not planted lake Piru in a very long time. But they most likely did when you and your father went there.

You're gonna love these (I hope that you can view them):

I would normally be more discrete but *, it's so tough sorting through So Cal wild fisheries that, well, all the power to those who venture out and find anything; even a minnow!

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Re: Local Report - In the name of academic curiosity

Postby 1mocast » January 22nd, 2023, 4:47 pm

Those little trout are sure resilient! Thanks for sharing that Bernard.

My hope is a couple good wet years to gouge/wash all that silt backing up in all the So cal watersheds to clean out all the deep pools. Hopefully the shade vegetation will grow again to keep the waters cool in the summer and fall. Hope eternal.....
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